domingo, 25 de mayo de 2008

Post Day Pill: Women's Decision

How it is already known, a group of 36 members of the parliament, supported by the Catholic Church, presented to the TC (tribunal constitucional) a resource to proclaim the Norms of Fertility Regulation unconstitutional with the purpose of banishing not only the post day pill but also the IUD (intrauterine device) such as the copper T and most of the contraceptive pills of regular use. These are practically the total amount of contraceptive methods used by women nowadays.
Because of this, the TC emitted a release where it was announced the admission of the unconstitutionality of the post day pill. This verdict prohibited the pill distribution in public hospitals and some drugstores. So now only people that can pay for the pill can get it. This fact is very serious because women that are not able to pay for the pill will not have the methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
So, if all scientific evidence shows that the post day pill is not abortive, on what criteria-based did the members of the TC take this decision? This verdict is crearly influenced by the Catholic Church and the Right Wing Party and their extremely conservative mind. This is an arbitrary and authoritarian act as is trying to impose the vision of a minor group of people in sexuality and reproduction matters to all population, violating women's right to decide about their sexuality, the amount of children they want to have and their spacing.

This is why we reject the TC's decision and we demand a society where we can decide what contraceptive methods to use, how many children to give birth and to have save and pleasurable sex without the risk of having an unwanted pregnancy.

13 comentarios:

Gonzalo dijo...

Once more Roman Catholic Church and the conservative parties have used their moral and value judgments to debate about the right to reproduce of women. Every time this issue is disscused, they practically think all contraceptives cause abortion. I think they've ignored the right to reproduce and have proclaimed themselves as owner of our bodies.
What about those women who don't have good economic condition to breed a child; they can't choose having a child or don't.
Women who have enough money can pay for an abortion in a private clinic without risk of abortion sequels, while poor women don't have any choice and are punished by the law if they're reported.

Caro o Kro, da lo mismo dijo...


I have and We all have free will

.Kiltro Melódico* dijo...

The government must assure all citizens have access to contraceptive methods for a familiar planification. A group of people cannot decide about the sexual life of 5 million women in Chile influenced by their politic ideas and interests. People who sign the request of prohibiting the pill and other contraceptive methods only represent the 20 % of wealthy people in the country. This people have ways to receive medical atention in private hospitals or clinics and they don't need free medication, and they also can practice abortions without risks as the have the money to do it.
This resource of uncontitutionality only represents the fascism and discrimination that exist in our society.

- Th3 J0k3r - dijo...

i don't know...that topics are very my opinion...really..i don't know...i have a lot of ideas about the post day pill...god ideas and bad ideas but...really...i don't know.

Peko dijo...

I absolutely agree about your point of view, and i think that if the parliament banish the post day pills only for free or for some drugstores, it should be for all. It's not fair that the people with money can do a lot of things that poor people don't. I guess we'll have to wait untill the next president for a real change. Hope so...

Anónimo dijo...

its f*cking amazing!!!!

Sebastian Mondaca dijo...

wll i think that is great that a group of people protest against to the TC, beacuse nobody has the right of refuse the life.

Anónimo dijo...

I agree with the pill but in some aspects because it can be used for that really is use, but also it can be lended for an abuse, for example with girls that have sexual relations and they can´t be pregnant.

Anónimo dijo...

I think that the post day pill is necessary because is the best way to reduce abortions in Chile.

For example in most Europe and America is used, but here in Chile is prohibited. The reasons are just funny and don't let any comment.

If we as society don't react against this power abuse(TC) we are lost.

Anónimo dijo...

for me this is very simple. If you want to use the pills use it, but if you don't agree whit it don't use it.

This is another example of fake democracy, nobody can't impose their ideas against the wishes of the majority.

Nicolás Pérez dijo...

I think that the Post Day Pill should not be prohibited for the following reasons:
-The mayority of the people were in favor of it,and we are in a democracy.
-The arguments that have used for prohibiting it are based in religion, however, religion was separated from the state a long time ago.
-This is just one more contraceptive method.
-Finally, if the goverment cannot distribute the pill,while some other people can still buy it,this measure will only affect poor people.

Anónimo dijo...

NO PILL forget moral, forget everything, men can't have an opinion for they don't feel the side effects of this hormonal trash. i took it it was "my choice" and i regret it everyday because my hormones are a mess since then, it isn't an option it is poison.

Buy Viagra Online dijo...

I hav just one word for this.